Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Children's Wedding Favours - Taking Care of the Kids

If you have invited Children to your wedding then it makes sense to consider some wedding favours designed especially for children. Whilst your adult favour choices might suffice in some circumstances the children will certainly be made to feel more special if you have favours tailored to children's tastes. Kids like to receive presents like everyone else and something geared specifically to their tastes is more likely to be treasured and valued by them. Go on, make the children feel special!

You do not need to spend alot of money to introduce favours for children. A wide variety of choices exist from some confectionery designed more specifically for children (jelly babies, Haribo etc) to a box designed to appeal to children. A great range of plastic boxes in the shapes of dinosaurs, pigs, cars etc are widely available online.

There are a wide range of great sweets that children will love. Why not steer clear of the more adult treats such as sugared almonds, chocolate dragees etc and focus on more kiddie friendly sweets such as chocolate bars, nuts, marshmallows, fudge, cake, biscuits, muffins, toffee, lollipops and more. The list is endless so get down the local sweetshop and raid their collection of penny sweets to create a wonderful eclectic range of treats for the children.

If you want to say away from sweet treats why not include some small games for the children to play at the table. The sort of items you find in Christmas crackers are perfect little gifts to keep the children amused.

The other advantage of favours designed for children is that the children will then be more occupied at the table and are likely to be easier for the parents to manage. This leaves your guests with the chance to truly enjoy your big day knowing that the kids are happy. Remember happy children means happy parents!

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